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Chicken Broth for Weight Loss.
Benefits and Harms?
The benefits of chicken and vegetable broth have been known for many years. But when following a diet, many are confused: is it possible to eat a portion of your favorite dish without harming your figure? What food and recipes for weight loss broth should be chosen to lose weight, let’s talk in this article!
By following any diet, a lot of questions arise related to the selection of the menu and the benefits or harms of a particular dish. Most people know that a liquid must be included in the diet. But is it possible to eat broth while losing weight, not everyone knows.
The opinion of nutritionists on this issue is divided. Some people believe that broth will not be able to negatively affect the result, while others are of the opinion that it does not contribute to a decrease in stomach volume, which is a negative factor for weight loss. But everyone agrees that the right broth for weight loss will not only not be able to worsen the result, but will also help in the fight against extra kg.
The most popular option is chicken. When asked if chicken broth for weight loss is possible, nutritionists unequivocally answer “Yes”. In addition, the recommended ones include vegetable.
The benefits of chicken Stroke?
The broth helps to normalize the microbiome and the digestive tract, without the proper functioning of which the process of losing weight is impossible in principle. It is also noticed that thanks to arginine, a special amino acid in the composition, the broth helps to lose weight precisely in the abdomen and sides…
For weight loss, this soup can be replaced with all meals for the day. In this mode, you can eat up to 3 days. If the diet needs to be extended to a week, a full (mainly protein) lunch and vegetable salads are introduced without dressing for a snack.
The Harms of Chicken Soup?
Despite all the beneficial properties of vegetable and chicken broth for weight loss, it can be harmful, so there are a number of contraindications. Choosing low-quality foods for cooking can negatively affect your health. Cooked soup made from poor chicken meat goes through the digestive tract too quickly, lowering the acidity of gastric juice.
Broth for weight loss is contraindicated in patients with diseases of the liver and genitourinary system, gastritis with low acidity, gout. With pancreatitis, individual components of the dish can provoke an exacerbation of the disease, which can be expressed in bouts of nausea and vomiting.
Allergy to individual components of slimming broth is also a contraindication to its use. With high cholesterol, you should not abuse the offal dish, nitrogen compounds and fat accumulate in them…
P.S Always When You cook Chicken Soup it is the best to use a home chicken. If this is not possible, you can take it from a store, then you need to drain the first broth in order to remove all chemical compounds and protect yourself from their effects.
Chicken Broth Recipe
Chicken breast – 1 pc.
Carrots – 1 pc.
Onions – 1 pc.
Fresh parsley
Fresh dill
Dried bay leaves – 3 pcs.
Pepper- 6 peas (black or white can be used)
Water – 6 ltr (2 – for the first broth, 4 – for the second
- Remove skin and bones from chicken breast, trim fat, if any, if necessary. Rinse well under running water and place in a saucepan.
- Fill with water – 2 liters for the first cooking. Put on fire and bring to a boil.
When the broth soup boils, keep it on fire for another 3-5 minutes. Take out the meat, and drain the first broth. - Put the meat in a clean saucepan and add the remaining 4 liters of water. Boil the broth over low heat for about 1 hour.
- Add coarsely chopped vegetables and all the spices. We cut the bunches of herbs, rinse in running water and send them to the broth. We simmer on low heat for another hour.
- We take out the chicken breast in a separate plate and leave to cool. Filter the liquid – discard the onion and spices.
- Cut the cooled meat and carrots into small pieces and send them to the finished broth. When serving, you can also add finely chopped herbs. main goal is to help you achieve your fitness goals! Be with us!