Transform Your Body & Torch that fat

  • Сan Bed Linen Be Unsafe? How Does it Affect Your Health?

    Сan Bed Linen Be Unsafe? How Does it Affect Your Health?

    Сan Bed Linen Be Unsafe? How Does it Affect Your Health? We are used to washing clothes only when there is nothing to wear, but, unfortunately, this will not work with bedding. I give a reasoned answer on how often bed linen needs to be changed at home. In a very short time, the sheets become…

  • Lavash AGAINST Yeast Bread. What GOOD Have You Heard?

    Lavash AGAINST Yeast Bread. What GOOD Have You Heard?

    Lavash AGAINST Bread? A low-calorie diet requires careful adherence to the diet. Many people who want to lose a little extra kg and gain a slim figure are trying to find replacements for their usual foods, saturated with fats and carbohydrates. Is it possible to eat thin Armenian yeast-free lavashwith a low calorie content while…

  • Safe Dose of Alcohol: To Whom and How Much?

    Safe Dose of Alcohol: To Whom and How Much?

    Safe dose of alcohol:To whom and How much?  Is alcohol useful? Remember, that The World Health Organization prohibits doctors from recommending any alcoholic beverages to their patients as a medicine. And all because alcohol can be useful only in small doses, in large quantities it causes addiction and the development of alcoholism. These are the…

  • 2 Healthy Delicacies: Marmalade, Marshmallow

    2 Healthy Delicacies: Marmalade, Marshmallow

    Healthy Delicacies: Marmalade, Marshmallow Everyone knows that all children, and many adults, are madly in love with sweets, but no matter how much they warn us that sweets adversely affect the figure and teeth, we still do not stop pampering ourselves with “sweet things” … Why are Marmelade and Marshmallow Healthy Delicacies? Contrary to the…

  • Fruits on An Empty Stomach. Is it Healthy to Eat Fruits for Breakfast?

    Fruits on An Empty Stomach. Is it Healthy to Eat Fruits for Breakfast?

    Fruits on An Empty Stomach. Is it Healthy to Eat Fruits for Breakfast? Without a doubt, fruits during your breakfast diet are the perfect start to your day, as they are easily absorbed by the body and are an indispensable source of energy throughout the day. In addition, fruits are considered the only food that…

  • 5 Vegetables That Are Best Eaten Boiled

    5 Vegetables That Are Best Eaten Boiled

     5 Vegetables That Are Best Eaten Boiled Nutritionists say that it is raw vegetables that cleanse our body of harmful toxins and nourish it with a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Only fresh vegetables contain rutin, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and a full set of phytonutrients that increase the body’s…

  • EXTRA Weight? 5 Important Steps to Do Tonight to Lose Weight Tomorrow?

    EXTRA Weight? 5 Important Steps to Do Tonight to Lose Weight Tomorrow?

    5 Important Steps to Do Tonight to Lose Weight Tomorrow? What is the best time(evening) of day for? For dates, complete relaxation in the bathroom, watching Instagram or the new Netflix series? Certainly. But also precious hours before the start of a new working day can be used to “program” the body to effectively lose…

  • Why Anxious Snoring Occurs and How to Deal With it?

    Why Anxious Snoring Occurs and How to Deal With it?

    Why Snoring Occurs and How to Deal With it? Many people experience snoring problems. This feature of night breathing causes severe discomfort to others who cannot sleep or wake up due to strong annoying sounds. But doctors consider this problem as a pathology that can cause serious harm to health. That is why the diagnosis…

  • Cheap Buckwheat: Benefits and Harms to Your Body?

    Cheap Buckwheat: Benefits and Harms to Your Body?

    Buckwheat: Benefits and Harms to Your Body? Buckwheat history Buckwheat is the seeds of common buckwheat. The word “buckwheat” comes from an abbreviated version of “Greek groats”, since it supposedly came to Russia from Greece. Buckwheat is widespread throughout the world and is considered an ancient culture. Its homeland is India and Nepal, where buckwheat…

  • Clay Wraps, or How to Lose Weight With Clay and Get a Charming Effect?

    Clay Wraps, or How to Lose Weight With Clay and Get a Charming Effect?

    Clay Wraps, or How to Lose Weight With Clay and Get a Charming Effect ? In the fight against obesity, we often chase after advertised new products and undeservedly forget about the old and proven method.What are them? Clay wraps are one of the most economical and at the same time the most effective methods…