Safe Dose of Alcohol: To Whom and How Much?

Safe Dose of Alcohol: To Whom and How Much?

Safe dose of alcohol:To whom and How much? 

Is alcohol useful?

Remember, that The World Health Organization prohibits doctors from recommending any alcoholic beverages to their patients as a medicine. And all because alcohol can be useful only in small doses, in large quantities it causes addiction and the development of alcoholism.

These are the categories of people who can drink a little bit of alcohol:

When it comes to heart attack, hepatic or renal colic. At a time when there are no medications at hand, you can use cognac or vodka1 tablespoon of one of these drinks will relieve vascular spasm and improve the patient’s condition before the ambulance arrives.

Small doses of alcohol also help people suffering from hypotension: 1-2 tablespoons of cognac can bring to the senses a person with low blood pressure. No one will argue with the beneficial effect of dry red wines on the human body. The fact is that the peel of red grape varieties and grape seeds contain resveratrol – a natural compound that has a powerful antioxidant effect.

Safe Dose of Alcohol: To Whom and How Much?

Entering the human body with berries or with wine made from them, this substance prevents the development of cardiovascular and oncological diseases, delays age-related changes in the brain and musculoskeletal system. In addition, natural wines improve digestion and prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

How much alcohol can you drink without harm?

According to the recommendations of the WHO, men should consume no more than 40 gr of pure alcohol per day (about 2 bottles of beer,  or 100 ml of vodka or 3 glasses of dry wine). And for women – 30 gr of pure alcohol (1.5 bottles of beer or 80 gr of vodka, 2 glasses of dry wine). And this is provided that 2 days a week a person will not take a drop of alcohol…

Safe Dose of Alcohol: To Whom and How Much?

Alcohol and Diabetes?

People with diabetes are especially vulnerable to the effects of alcohol. This is due, among other things, to the fact that alcohol lowers blood sugar levels and saturates the blood almost as strongly with lipids as fat.

The Diabetes Association agrees with the Department of Health’s guidelines and recommends a maximum of 7 standard drinks per week for women and 14 for men.

However, low alcohol consumption lowers the risk of diabetes compared to complete abstinence, while high alcohol intake increases the risk of getting sick.

How is alcohol digested?

Alcohol is considered quite high in calories: ethanol contains 7.1 kcal per 1 gr.

However, due to the thermal effect Effect of ethanol on energy expenditure. – the energy required for its assimilation – the body receives only 20% of calories. This is about 1.4 kcal per 1 gr. But they are not stored as fat either. From 24 gr of alcohol in six hours, the liver forms De novo lipogenesis, lipid kinetics, and whole-body lipid balances in humans after acute alcohol consumption. about 0.8 gr of fat.

Safe Dose of Alcohol: To Whom and How Much?

However, the main danger to your figure is not the calories from ethanol, but the conditions it creates. Since alcohol is a poison, your body tries to work faster. Role of substrate utilization and thermogenesis on body-weight control with particular reference to alcohol recycle it. As long as the body copes with alcohol, fat burning is inhibited by 73%. Therefore, the fats and carbohydrates that you consume along with alcohol are most likely to turn into extra kg.

What’s more, alcohol does not suppress appetite and increases the dose-dependent effects of alcohol on appetite and food intake portions eaten after drinking. Combine that with a reduced sense of control, and you run the risk of consuming a lot more calorie foods and replenishing your fat stores. main goal is to help you achieve your fitness goals! Be with us!