Carrot Juice: Benefits and Harms to the Body
This bright drink raises your spirits and improves your well-being. And this is a scientifically proven fact. We will find out how carrot juice is useful for the body, and how best to drink it.
The history of Carrot Juice
Carrots are one of the most ancient vegetable crops. Images of carrots have been found in ancient Roman buried cities such as Pompeii. Archaeologists have discovered painted bunches of carrots on the walls of houses. It began to be cultivated presumably in Afghanistan, and until now most of all carrot species grow there.
Carrots are a root vegetable, and tops are also eaten, especially in Europe. Interestingly, in some European countries, carrots are classified as fruits.
Wild carrots had an unusual appearance for a modern person – they were purple. New varieties with increased sugar content and other properties began to be developed from it.
Gradually we got a root crop of white and red colors. They can still be found today, but now they are considered more exotic.
The orange carrot, familiar to us, was bred only in the 1700s. Around then, the best variety was bred – karotel. Orange carrots contain a huge amount of beta-carotene, and it was in honor of him that they received the name carota. Variations of this name are found in many countries.
There is also fodder carrots for livestock. It is not so tasty, but huge – the length of one carrot can reach almost half a meter…
The benefits of Carrot Juice
Any juice is a concentrate of all substances contained in a vegetable or fruit. After all, usually we are unlikely to eat 5 carrots or 3 apples at a time. But we can easily drink a glass of juice from them. Therefore, it must be born in mind that in the form of juice we get much more vitamins and acids than usual. Sometimes it irritates the stomach lining, and then it is better to dilute the juice with water.
The most “noticeable” substances in carrots are carotenoids. It is they that give the root crop its characteristic bright color and flavor. Carotenoids in carrots include beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin.
Beta-carotene is a source of vitamin A, which is important for skin and vision health. With a lack of this vitamin, “night blindness” develops – this is what the people call twilight vision impairment. This substance is also important for maintaining the functionality of the retina. However, carrots are not a panacea, and cannot cure an already existing disease. But she can reduce the risk.
In addition, vitamin A takes part in the synthesis of proteins, contributes to the proper formation of the skeleton and teeth, and is important for the immune system.
In addition to carotenoids, for which carrots are so valued, it contains vitamins of group B, as well as C and E. The latter is needed for the absorption of vitamin A, and for the skin regeneration process.
Carrots are high in fiber, which nourishes the intestinal microflora and stimulates peristalsis. It is also good for the heart, thanks to vitamin C, as well as potassium and magnesium. They strengthen blood vessels and heart muscle.
The harm of Carrot Juice
Gastroenterologists advise against consuming carrot juice during exacerbation of gastritis, pancreatitis, with increased stomach acidity. Such people can drink carrot juice only with the permission of a doctor and during a period when the disease subsides.
The most common effect of excess carrot juice is carotenoderma, yellowing of the skin. This is due to the increased concentration of carotenes, which are found in carrots. Yellowing itself is not dangerous, but it indicates that the juice consumption rate is clearly exceeded.
Carrots contain certain substances that slow down the development of cancer. Scientists from Newcastle conducted experiments on rats and noticed that a large amount of carrots in their diet reduces the risk of developing cancer. It turned out that falcarinol is responsible for this, which protects the root crop from fungi. It has not yet been established exactly how the substance acts on cancer cells, and what doses are needed for treatment. main goal is to help you achieve your fitness goals! Be with us!