Diseases Associated with air pollution
The largest contributors to premature deaths from air pollution are emissions from fuel combustion for heating and cooking.
More than five million people die every year due to dirty air. Scientists say this figure will double by 2050.
Pollutants (ozone and fine particulate matter) that are invisible to the naked eye are contributing to lung disease, heart disease, and other serious health problems in people around the world, the researchers note. Asian countries account for about three quarters of the total premature deaths associated with exposure to air pollution.
Scientists have combined a model of the chemical composition of the atmosphere with data on the global health status of the population. The impact of pollution from various sources associated with the use of fuels was studied. Emissions from fuel combustion for heating and cooking were found to be the largest contributors to premature deaths from air pollution.
Particles of such smoke are so small that they can penetrate deep into the lungs, into the alveoli, and enter the bloodstream. The tiny chemical particles we breathe can bypass the immune system and penetrate deep into the body. They are not naturally eliminated from the respiratory tract.
The reduced oxygen content in the atmospheric air leads to oxygen starvation of various organs, including the brain. As a result, the rate of mental development of children decreases, memory, attention, the ability to perceive information deteriorate.
This year, scientists from 12 countries have completed a study on the impact of environmental pollution on human health. It turned out that it annually causes 19 thousand deaths in Europe.
It was found that the least sensitive to the environmental situation are people aged 20–39, and the most sensitive are children from 3 to 6 years old (2.3 times) and the elderly over 60 years old (1.6 times).
Children and Air pollution
Environmental pollution has a pronounced effect on the child’s body, leading to a decrease in immunity, the emergence of chronic respiratory and other diseases…
The most dangerous are “burst” emissions from industrial enterprises, an increase in the concentration of automobile exhaust during peak hours, especially in combination with unfavorable weather conditions. Air pollution not only leads to chronic respiratory illness, but also triggers genetically determined conditions such as asthma that might not have manifested in a better environment.
According to expert estimates, living in a contaminated area increases the risk of developing bronchial asthma in children by 30%! In addition, an increase in the number of allergy sufferers is associated with poor ecology. Air pollution can cause and worsen allergic diseases.
Coronovirus and Air pollution
Air pollution levels affect mortality from coronavirus infection. Long-term exposure to air pollution has been associated with an 11% increase in deaths from COVID-19, according to scientists. It is reported by the Gardian newspaper following an analysis conducted by scientists led by Professor Francesca Dominici of Harvard University on the population of the United States.
Strikingly, even small differences in pollution levels are associated with significantly higher rates of COVID-19.
So, inhalation of dirty air for many years causes heart and lung diseases, and these diseases exacerbate the consequences of coronavirus infection, and short-term exposure to pollution increases the risk of developing acute lung infections.
P.S It is clear that you cannot escape from damp weather and car exhaust, but you can try to clean your own house of allergens. For example, ventilate all rooms more often, regularly carry out a wet cleaning, do cooking only with open windows, and, of course, do not smoke.
If you feel short of breath and lack of oxygen, try breathing exercises. Inhale deeply through your nose, and then exhale for a long time through your mouth through closed lips. At the same time, while inhaling, slowly count to four, and while exhaling – to six or eight, trying to “push” as much air out of yourself as possible. This will make it easier for air to pass through irritated airways and allow you to breathe in deeper each time.
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