Category: Keep your body healthy
How many calories do you burn Nordic walking?
Do you know what is Nordic walking? Is Nordic walking modern sport? Nordic walking is an outdoor sport practiced for leisure. This sport does not involve putting one foot in front of the other. It is practiced using poles specially designed for this sport. It is important to have specific Nordic walking poles. These poles…
Diseases Associated with Air Pollution
Diseases Associated with air pollution The largest contributors to premature deaths from air pollution are emissions from fuel combustion for heating and cooking. More than five million people die every year due to dirty air. Scientists say this figure will double by 2050. Pollutants (ozone and fine particulate matter) that are invisible to the naked…
Foods Containing Famous Iron: Not Only Tasty, But Also Healthy!
Foods Containing Iron: Not Only Tasty, But also Healthy! What is Iron? Iron is the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust. The role of iron is great not only in the economic life of society, but also in the human body, while the body itself is not capable of producing iron, it receives it…
Attractive Yoga Classes? Why Do We Need Them? 6 Benefits
Yoga Classes? Why Do We Need Them? General menaning? Yoga has been practiced for over 5000 years, but only recently has it become popular among us. Today, I will tell you how yoga is useful and what it gives a person in a physical, psychological and spiritual sense. Yoga in translation from Indian means “to…
Failure Sagging skin After Weight Loss
Failure Sagging skin after Weight Loss Every person who has experienced “extreme” weight loss, one way or another, faced the problem of “extra skin”. After a lot of weight loss – no matter how gradually it happens – the skin cannot always return to its original state and becomes the cause of other unpleasant moments.…
How Diets Affect Your Teeth? 3 Bad Diets
How Diets Affect Your Teeth? 3 Bad Diets Diets affect more than just the number on the scales and the size of the waist. Diet is a change in the usual diet, which can often be accompanied by side symptoms. Often, in pursuit of an ideal figure, we expose our own health to damage. Scientists…
Magic benefits of Salt Baths for the Body and Skin
Magic benefits of Salt Baths for the Body and Skin Nowadays , there are many unique substances that help to prolong the youthfulness of the skin and have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. Such substances are given to us by nature itself, so that we can take care of ourselves…
How to Raise Blood Sugar?
How to Raise Blood Sugar? A lack of sugar in the blood is called hypoglycemia. Diabetes patients and healthy people face this phenomenon. Lack of sugar is a dangerous condition that is fraught with complications. Causes of a Drop in Blood Sugar Levels? The most common causes of a drop in blood sugar levels are:…
The Effect of Charming Flowers on Human Health. How to be Healthy?
The Effect of Charming Flowers on Human Health. How to be Healthy? Influence of flowers on vitality and human health Disputes about how flowers affect a person’s well-being and state of health have been going on for a long time. Some argue that indoor or garden flowers simply cannot have any effect on a person,…
Anxious Varicose Veins.Causes.Treatments…
Anxious Varicose Veins.Causes.Treatments… What is varicose veins? Varicose veins is a very common disease among the population over the age of 30, the essence of which is inflammation of the walls of the veins, their bulging, the appearance of nodules and, in severe cases, ulcers. According to statistics, up to 30% of the world’s population…