The Downsides of Ketogenic Diets

The Downsides of Ketogenic Diets

The Downsides of Ketogenic Diets for Weight Loss

Do you know the downsides of Ketogenic Diets? Many people jump onto this diet without realizing if it suits their bodies.

With the number of diets for weight online, we should be wary about the downsides of Ketogenic Diets. While ketogenic diets have amazing impacts on people who want to lose weight, it has downsides.

The Downsides of Ketogenic Diets

What to know about the downsides of Ketogenic Diets

You should know more about the downsides of Ketogenic Diets before you make use of it, especially for those suffering from health challenges.

You have to meet your doctor before you make a change in your diet. The reason is to save you from medical complications in the course of using the diet.

Have you heard of ketosis? This happens when the body burns fat at an extremely fast rate. We know that the brain runs on fat through the ketone bodies.

These bodies are energy molecules found in the blood, just like blood sugar. They become the fuel that the brain uses after they are converted from fat by our livers.

How do we encourage ketone production? The amount of insulin in our bloodstream has to be low. When we have low insulin, the body produces ketone bodies. 

When we have a high level of ketones in our bloodstream, the insulin level becomes very low. The downsides of Ketogenic Diets alter the normal burning of fat in our bodies.

Do you know how to measure ketones? You can make use of some simple gadgets to do this at your convenience.

The downsides of Ketogenic Diets are what many people find challenging to handle, especially if their bodies are weak because of ailments.

You should measure the blood ketones on a fasted stomach, especially before your breakfast. When you a measurement below 0.5 mmol/L, it is not ketosis.

Between 0.5-3.0 mmol/L, we say it is nutritional ketosis, and around 1.5 – 3 mmol/L, it is what’s called “optimal ketosis.” 

The Downsides of Ketogenic Diets

For those who have hit their weight loss stall, they have to increase their ketogenic diets. However, there is no proof of this.

How to achieve optimal ketosis

For people who consume a strict low-carb diet, they are stunned when they check their blood ketones and find them to be around only 0.2 or 0.4. 

This includes the downsides of Ketogenic Diets that you should be mindful of. First, you need to avoid all obvious sources of carbohydrates.

These carbs include potatoes, rice, spaghetti, bread, and sweets. Do not forget to check for “hidden carbs” in your salad dressings, dips, and from other sources like alcohol.

The downsides of Ketogenic Diets

The “keto flu”

When some people start this diet, they feel sick and experience lethargy, a lot of fatigue, vomiting, and gastrointestinal distress.

We called this keto flu usually. It passes within a few days. This occurs because the body ran out of sugar to burn for energy.

You can reduce this by getting plenty of sleep and drink enough water.


Some people suffer from what we called keto diarrhea due to a lack of fiber in your ketogenic diet. This happens when people cut way back on their carbs without supplementing with fiber-rich foods.

Reduced athletic performance

For athletes, they can experience reduced athletic performance. Many of them do not notice this drop in their performance.


For those with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, they might suffer from ketoacidosis. This happens when the body stores more ketones than it can burn

You can add MCT oil to tea or coffee if you want to increase the level of your ketone. However, this might not take your weight loss stall.

The Downsides of Ketogenic Diets

You can consume ketogenic diets to help you with your ketone bodies. Do not forget to eat adequate amounts of proteins.

We know that keto diets should not have a high protein level. However, we recommend people to consume 1.2 to 1.7 grams per kg of reference body weight per day.

You should know the amount of protein you consume daily. If you take excessive protein daily, you might hit a higher ketone level.

To avoid the downsides of Ketogenic Diets, you have to ensure you eat rightly. If your diet has more carbs than necessary, losing weight might be a challenge. main goal is to help you achieve your fitness goals! Be with us!