Category: Love Yourself
Hobbies that Help You Lose Weight: My Journey to a Slimmer and More Fun-Filled Life
Hey y’all, it’s Tom here. So, I was at the beach the other day and I saw this guy running up and down the sand dunes like a madman. And I thought to myself, “Dude, what’s the point? Are you trying to lose weight or something?” But then I started thinking about it, and I…
Detox Wraps. The Truth about Detox Wraps. 1 Best Clay Detox Wrap!
Detox Wraps.The Truth! What are detox wraps? The body wrap is one of the components of the detox program. The sessions help to remove harmful substances accumulated by the body from food and the environment. In addition to this, your skin becomes smooth and beautiful. The dry and sensitive dermis receives the necessary hydration and…
Plus Size Models & Plus Size Fashion. 4 BEST Brands
Plus Size Models & Plus Size Fashion! 4 BEST Brands of Plus Size Fashion Clothes? Hungry faints, emaciated figures, painful thinness, protruding collarbones – all this is not relevant for a long time. The fashion and advertising industries are taking great interest in the new standard of beauty – plus size models. And in ordinary…
Beauty is Strength!
Beauty is Strength! All of us like attractive people. According to the statistics, beautiful people earn 10-15% more in their entire life. Beauty is strength, and this is well known phrase.That is why every second advertising poster has a beautiful woman, and attractive young girls with perfect skin and bodies. However, scientists believe that subjective…
How to overcome SHYNESS of your body? 5 Ideas!
How to overcome SHYNESS of your body? 5 Ideas! Are you ready to undress right now? Without any preparation? In front of a beloved man or a stranger? No? Are you shy because of your body? How to stop being ashamed of your body and start loving all its “flaws”? I will tell you HOW…
How to Raise low self esteem? BEST Ideas!
How to Raise low self esteem? Low Self Esteem definition Low Self Esteem is a person’s low internal assessment of his/her qualities, capabilities and merits.This concept has nothing similar with narcissism! One of three manifestations of self-esteem is peculiar to a person: underestimated, overestimated and adequate – a kind of golden mean. For some…
HOW to love your body at any size? TOP Answers
HOW to love your body at any size? Today all women have too many complaints about their appearance: snub noses, freckles, short legs and no graceful wrists! What can I offer? I offer you to start with the simplest and most necessary step – TO LOVE YOUR APPEARANCE AND LOVE YOUR BODY AT ANY SIZE!…