Proven Healthy features of Artichoke
In the world there are more than 140 species of the genus artichoke, but only about 40 species are of nutritional value, and most often two types are used.
The homeland is considered to be the Mediterranean coast, where it still grows wild to this day. In the 15th century, the artichoke came to America, after which it spread throughout the world. Today it is grown almost everywhere.
A Daily Value of artichoke(100gr)
Composition of 100 gr. artichokes as a percentage of the daily value:
The calorie content of artichokes is 47 kcal per 100 gr…
- Fiber – 27%. Eliminates constipation and diarrhea, helps to avoid the formation of fat on the internal ;
- Copper – 23% Participates in protein metabolism;
- Vitamin K – 12%. Participates in blood clotting and metabolism. Promotes healthy kidney function.
- Iron – 12%. Prevents anemia. Low iron levels lead to fatigue, poor concentration, and digestive upset;
- Polyphenols. They kill cancer cells and stop the formation of new ones.
Proven Features of Artichoke…
Previously, artichoke was used as an aphrodisiac and diuretic.
The plant freshens breath if chewed after a meal.
The artichoke is used for diseases of the liver and kidneys (in particular, hepatitis, gallstone disease) and for constipation, since the plant increases the production of bile and has a powerful choleretic effect. And this accelerates the excretion of toxic substances from the liver.
Artichoke inflorescences contain carbohydrates (up to 15%), proteins (up to 3%), fats (0.1%), calcium, iron and phosphates.
It has also been clinically proven that the substances contained in artichoke help to lower cholesterol levels, have a beneficial effect on the body with vascular atherosclerosis and endarteritis, lower blood sugar levels, and exhibit a diuretic effect.
Surprisingly, artichokes help slow aging. Cynaropicrin reduces the harmful effects of UV rays and protects the skin.
One of the important benefits of artichokes is the prevention of various types of cancer. Cancer cells grow due to oxidation and accumulation of “free radicals”. The artichoke stops their division and slows down the growth of tumors.
Artichoke harms?
Artichoke is forbidden to people
- With allergies to marigolds, daisies, chrysanthemums;
- Suffering from urolithiasis. An increase in the outflow of bile can provoke the release of gallstones;
- Prone to strong gas formation – especially those who are intolerant to fructose and lactose.
How to choose an Artichoke?
Choose the heaviest and hardest heads, like when choosing kale.
There are four sizes of artichokes, from small (baby’s fist) to tennis ball. Small heads or buds are the most delicate.
The artichoke should be green, looking fresh, not dehydrated.
The closed petals indicate that the artichoke is fresh.
Leaves squeak when compressed is an indicator of freshness.
Recipes from Artichoke
There are many recipes. It can be served as an independent dish or as a side dish, an addition to pasta, potatoes, legumes and cereals. It is added to sauces, salads, casseroles and pies.
The Hearts can be filled with meat or cheese, baked in the oven or cooked in a sauce. Cook or simmer hearts for 20-30 minutes.
The youngest fruits can be eaten whole with leaves raw or half-baked.
Artichokes are versatile. They can serve hot soup or chicken salad. Marinate plants with vegetables, stir-fry, add to soups…
To cook artichoke, boil whole artichokes for 40 minutes in a large saucepan with lemon wedges and salt, and then you can pinch off one leaf at a time, sucking out the lower fleshy part. It is better to pre-dip it in mustard sauce. After plucking all the leaves, a heart will remain, which can be eaten like this, or you can cut and add to the salad =)
How to store an artichoke?
To keep your artichoke fresh longer, you need to store it properly. Keep the plant in an airtight plastic bag and cut off the edge of the stem to prevent spoilage during storage. It is best to cook it within a week of purchase. main goal is to help you achieve your fitness goals! Be with us!