Collagen? BEST Types of Collagen. Part 2

Collagen? Types of Collagen. Part 2

Collagen? BEST Types of Collagen.

Part 2

In the previous article we discussed what is collagen trend about and what are the best collagen benefits? Does collagen make you lose weight?

Today I will tell you more about Collagen and its Types and how to use it.

Like any protein, Collagen is composed of amino acids. These are mainly three amino acids that predominate the chain – Glycine, Hydroxy proline and Arginine. Depending on the amino acid sequence and molecular structure, there are about 28 types of collagen in nature.

Collagen? Types of Collagen. Part 2

The main and important ones for maintaining health and beauty are collagen types 1, 2 and 3.

So, let’s take a closer look at each of them:

Collagen Types:

Collagen type 1 is found in all types of tissues of the human body. This component is responsible for elasticity, water balance and absorption of nutrients. It is collagen for skin, bones and connective tissues.

2nd type of collagen is for the joints, tendons. The element acts as a medicinal and prophylactic agent for rheumatism, arthritis and other diseases, inflammations. It is used in both food supplements and ointments. This type requires a careful approach and a special dosage for treatment.

The 3d type is also called the “young” component. Responsible for elasticity, metabolism and the condition of skin cells in general (including hair, nails).

Type 1 and 3 are responsible for the rejuvenation of the body, tone and general condition, while type 2 provides the restoration of joints, discs, cartilage.

The Origin of Collagen

Collagen? Types of Collagen. Part 2

It must be admitted that we cannot obtain collagen in sufficient quantities from food, therefore, today dozens of technologies have been developed for producing collagen on an industrial scale from various sources of animal origin.

  • Animal Collagen. This collagen is produced by processing the skins and joints of cattle.
  • Sea Collagen. Obtained by scraping the upper skin cells of marine fish.

Animal collagen is the most abundant and available type. The production consists in the processing of cartilaginous, articular tissues, skins of mammals and birds. It is the most studied and tested over the years of use in cosmetology and nutrition. This type is the simplest and most affordable among the analogues.

Animal Collagen is 

  • Well absorbed when taken orally
  • Due to the large molecule, it penetrates poorly through the dermis
  • Affordable price
  • Ease of storage

Sea collagen is a product which is obtained from the tissues of the epidermis of fish and other marine life creatures. Such a protein is considered to be more effective, since it is completely absorbed through the intestinal wall when it enters the body. The production technology also requires special devices and high-quality transportation. This product breaks down more easily and requires careful storage, which is why its cost may be higher.

Sea collagen is

  • Well absorbed when taken orally
  • The molecule is closest to human. Better passes through the dermis
  • Promotes the production of native collagen
  • Difficulties in production. Higher price
  • Requires sterility during storage

Sea collagen and collagen of animal origins are currently the optimal and most promising in terms of digestibility and safety for taking as a food supplement. For the best effect, they must be alternated. First, take a course of animal collagen – then a course of sea collagen.

Some experts also distinguish plant Collagen.

Wheat, like other cereals by themselves, does not have protein, therefore, the gluten contained in the embryos of seeds undergoes hydrolysis (or simply saying, decomposition to a molecular level under the influence of water). The resulting elements are fermented and put into the production of cosmetic or therapeutic products.

Plant collagen is:

  • Hypoallergenic
  • Well absorbed on the surface of human skin
  • Complex production
  • Very high price

Collagen daily requirements

It is important to understand that when we talk about the daily rate of collagen, we mean that this does not concern collagen itself, but a mixture of peptides and amino acids that make up hydrolyzed collagen.

Daily rate of collagen:

Preventive rate – 5 grams per day
Therapeutic norm – 10 grams per day
In most cases, manufacturers place a measuring spoon just for the 5 gram prophylactic volume.

How and with what is better to take collagen?

Rule № 1

Collagen 1 and 3 types and collagen of 2nd types are taken – in separate courses! Taking these types of collagen at the same time will not give the desired effect. The body will receive the wrong ratio of amino acids!

 Rule № 2

The classic course of collagen is 3 months of intake, 3 months off. In this mode, the necessary prevention is provided. The body receives the lack of certain amino acids for the synthesis of its “native”. With a therapeutic course (problems with joints, menopause), the course is increased to 6 months and a 2 month break.

 Rule № 3

It is recommended to take collagen 30 minutes before meals. This way the body gets the correct amino acid ratio.

Powder Collagen is diluted into 15 ml of any non-hot drink. The drink must not contain protein
Stir until the lumps disappear. Top up with 200-250 ml. You can stir with a shaker.
Mixing drinks can be customized according to your taste. Most often it is water or juices.

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