Search results for: “Obesity”

  • Big Joint Pain? Can Losing Weight Help Relieve Joint Pain?

    Big Joint Pain? Can Losing Weight Help Relieve Joint Pain?

    People need to maintain a healthy body weight for many reasons, one of the most important being protecting the knee from injury. Overweight and obesity are the main risk factors for the development of osteoarthritis of the knee joint. At the same time, excess body weight not only increases the risk of developing this pathology,…

  • Corn? 6 Interesting Facts About It  =)

    Corn? 6 Interesting Facts About It =)

    6 Interesting Facts About Corn Today, I want to tell you why corn is useful, what you can eat it while losing weight, how to cook it correctly and what dishes you can cook with it… Corn For Weight Loss? Can you eat corn while losing weight? Nutritionists believe that it is possible – provided…

  • Clay Wraps, or How to Lose Weight With Clay and Get a Charming Effect?

    Clay Wraps, or How to Lose Weight With Clay and Get a Charming Effect?

    Clay Wraps, or How to Lose Weight With Clay and Get a Charming Effect ? In the fight against obesity, we often chase after advertised new products and undeservedly forget about the old and proven method.What are them? Clay wraps are one of the most economical and at the same time the most effective methods…

  • Attractive Yoga Classes? Why Do We Need Them? 6 Benefits

    Attractive Yoga Classes? Why Do We Need Them? 6 Benefits

    Yoga Classes? Why Do We Need Them? General menaning? Yoga has been practiced for over 5000 years, but only recently has it become popular among us. Today, I will tell you how yoga is useful and what it gives a person in a physical, psychological and spiritual sense. Yoga in translation from Indian means “to…

  • Helpful Black Cumin Oil for Weight Loss

    Helpful Black Cumin Oil for Weight Loss

    Black Cumin Oil for Weight Loss Black Cumin is a type of spicec that, due to its numerous medicinal properties, rich aroma and piquant taste, is widely used in cooking and folk medicine. Fragrant seeds, rich in useful elements, were not left unattended, and in dietetics – the correct use of plant materials allows you…

  • 4 IMPORTANT  Herbs That Help With Weight Loss

    4 IMPORTANT Herbs That Help With Weight Loss

    4 Herbs That Help With Weight Loss There are many herbs in nature that can help restore hormonal balance, improve digestion, and speed up the weight loss process. In a healthy diet, they are also relevant and popular in the diet that is considered the healthiest – the Mediterranean. Moreover, all the herbs in question…

  • TOP 5 “Chubby” Countries

    TOP 5 “Chubby” Countries

    TOP 5 “Chubby” Countries Excess weight is a scourge of modern society. In some countries, it reaches such proportions that public is beginning to sound the alarm. Today you will find out where you can find the most obese people. And, most importantly, what are the reasons for such a mass completeness. TOP 5 Chubby…

  • Face Skin Lifting at Home. TOP 4 Extraordinary Home Skin Lifting Methods !

    Face Skin Lifting at Home. TOP 4 Extraordinary Home Skin Lifting Methods !

    Face Skin Lifting at Home.TOP 4 Home Skin Lifting Methods With the age, sometimes it is not only the wrinkles that begin to disturb, but a change in the oval of the face: the contours are lowered, and an expression of fatigue appears. Today,I will tell you how to choose a care program to slow…

  • Obese People and Scary Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Obese People and Scary Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

     Today all virologists and nutritionists are confident that body mass indexdirectly correlates with human survival in infectious and chronic diseases, including infection with a new type of coronavirus. The higher the index, the higher the likelihood of getting cardiovascular pathologies or type 2 diabetes. As a result, such people will be much worse tolerant of…

  • Anxious Varicose Veins.Causes.Treatments…

    Anxious Varicose Veins.Causes.Treatments…

    Anxious Varicose Veins.Causes.Treatments… What is varicose veins? Varicose veins is a very common disease among the population over the age of 30, the essence of which is inflammation of the walls of the veins, their bulging, the appearance of nodules and, in severe cases, ulcers. According to statistics, up to 30% of the world’s population…