TOP 6 Movies to watch for weight loss inspiration!

Movies to watch for weight loss inspiration

You want to lose weight, but you can’t force yourself to do this? Try to find motivators in your everyday life – look through some photos of beautiful and slender girls, buy luxurious clothes that are smaller than your real size, enjoy watching movies that make you think about your appearance and take the first step to losing weight.

It is a good motivator, isn’t it?

Watch our selection of weight loss movies and you will be motivated to get a dream figure .

1.”Mince Alorc! “,France.2012

Movies to watch for weight loss inspiration

A young woman, Nina, works with her beloved man Gaspar in a Parisian fashion house. She is well aware of how important her appearance is for a modern woman. However, in recent years, Nina has gained a few extra kg, which led to constant comments from her mother’s side.

In addition, she understands that her appearance is becoming less attractive to her boyfriend. At one point, Gaspar buys her a ticket for a thirty-day tour, the main goal of which is to lose weight among all participants. Nina does not even suspect that this trip will become for her an unforgettable adventure that will change her life forever …


Obesity? How many dreams and youthful hopes are broken due to obesity and imperfection of one’s own body! There are many clubs, for those who suffer from a similar problem, people can come there and communicate with each other, share their own experience.

This movie is about one of these clubs,to where people do NOT come to get an advice on how to lose weight …

3.”Fat Slags”,UK.2004

Movies to watch for weight loss inspiration

The heroines of the film are two sloppy, always disheveled fat girls – Racie Tunstall and Sandra Burke. They received an invitation to the BBC morning program.

One of the spectators of this morning show is American billionaire Sean Cooley, who decides to make these fat, rough and “sex-hungry” women stars of show business.

4.”To Be Fat Like Me”,USA.2007

Movies to watch for weight loss inspiration

When a, popular student named Aly injures herself, she decides to enter a documentary film project in the hopes of winning money to pay for her studies. Aly puts a fat suit for the film and sets out to prove that personality can overcome “bad” looks.

She quickly understands how difficult this life is for people who struggle with extra weight, and learns some valuable lessons along the way.

5.”200 Pounds of Beauty”,South Korea,2006

Movies to watch for weight loss inspiration

Kang Han Na is a girl with great talent and the same weight. She sings behind the scenes for one slim and beautiful, but voiceless singer. Han Na has a crush on producer Sang Joon. Once the girl heard cynical criticism about herself, so she decided to radically change her appearance.

After having several plastic surgeries, a year later, Han Na appears before everyone very slim and attractive woman. Deciding to pursue a solo career, she returns to her former producer, performs many different actions, hiding the truth from everyone, and soon she will have a solo concert …

6.”Super Size me”,USA.2004

Movies to watch for weight loss inspiration

“Super Size Me” is one of the real movies to watch for weight loss inspiration!

It is a controversial documentary investigation into the role of the McDonald’s fast food chain in American obesity. Director Morgan Spurlock set an experiment on himself: for a month, he ate three times a day at McDonald’s. Moreover, he ate extremely popular portions “Supersize” (double portion).

As a result, Morgan gained 12 kg, his cholesterol jumped to heaven, his liver began to ache, he had headaches, depression, and even his sexual desire disappeared.

In reaction to the film, which became a hit in the United States, McDonald’s announced its decision to discontinue production and sale at its US locations by the end of 2004 of the Supersize portions, the chain’s trade symbol.

Now you have a list of best movies to watch for weight loss inspiration.Be fit and Stay with us! main goal is to help you achieve your fitness goals! Be with us!