All Kinds of 4 Oils for Effective Anti-Cellulite Massage

All Kinds of Oils for Anti-cellulite Massage

All Kinds of 4 Oils for Effective Anti-Cellulite Massage

Dear Friends,

We have already discussed  many ways how to combat cellulite that even the eyes run up: wraps, diets, sauna, all kinds of hardware procedures and some types of fitness here.

Today I want to talk to you about All Kinds of Oils  and Different Creams for Anti-Cellulite Massages.

Cosmetics that help to smooth the skin and add elasticity to it are one of the mildest measures, but massage oil mixtures stand out among all kinds of anti-cellulite creams, oils and serums.

Two advantages determine their effectiveness: the composition (natural cosmetically and essential active oils) and the method of application – the fact that they are not just applied, but actually rubbed into the skin during the massage.

 All Kinds of Oils for Anti-cellulite Massage

The question of effectiveness is the most important: what result – in the best case – can we expect from an anti-cellulite massage with oils? Do not believe those who will assure you that such a massage completely relieved someone of the “orange peel” and a dozen centimeters at the waist in addition: the reality is much more prosaic.

Firstly, with diligent and regular massage, you will not lose cellulite that has become native, especially if it is not in the stage of mild tubercles, but in a more pronounced form. But massage will definitely help smooth out the skin, smooth out irregularities. Secondly, a significant loss of volume during massage is also a myth, but getting rid of 1-3 cm of fat in the massage area in a month or two is possible. 

In general, the best result of anti-cellulite massage is smoother, firmer, velvety skin, a tighter body contour, minus a centimeter or two of subcutaneous fat, well, and a lot of pleasant sensations. This result can be improved if, in parallel with the massage, other anti-cellulite activities are carried out, for example, do body wraps, go swimming and water massage, do fitness and stop leaning on sweets and fatty foods.

ALSO READ:  Essential Oils and Your Health?

So  How to prepare an oil mixture for it and how to properly perform such a massage?

 There are ready-made body oils that can be used for this massage, but it is not at all difficult to prepare them. To do this, you need natural cosmetic and essential oils.
Another important point: you can make a massage mixture for future use, fill a glass jar with it (preferably from a darkened glass) – and put it in a dark place.

 All Kinds of Oils for Anti-cellulite Massage

But it’s even better to prepare the mixture separately each time: this way it will always be perfectly fresh. A portion of massage oil at a time is about 20 ml (about 2 tablespoons), but it is easy to reduce or increase it, while maintaining the correct proportion of cosmetic and essential oils.

Oils and Essential Oils for Anti-Cellulite Massage

Precautions: Firstly, it is better for pregnant women to refrain from such a massage, and secondly, be sure to take into account the possible occurrence of an allergic reaction. And in general, watch the reaction of the skin to the mixture. If the mixture includes warming essential oils, then a slight redness and warming effect is the norm, but a strong burning sensation and fiery red spots on the body are already bad. 

A massage mixture always consists of a base (vegetable cosmetic oil) and a much smaller amount of essential oils (therefore, they are calculated in drops).

Oil What is this? The best Oil
Base oils (cosmetic vegetable oils) Includes solid oils for density, but they significantly increase the viscosity of the mixture. Almond (sweet almond), peach seed, apricot seed, grape seed, rice bran, you can also use argan oil, jojoba oil.
Essential oils Tone the skin, improve blood circulation, warm up, tighten, etc. Orange, grapefruit, ginger, cinnamon, juniper
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P.S Here is some information about Essential Oils: You can use one of these oils, but tandems work even better, for example, the classic mixture of citrus essential oil with a spicy warming oil, that is, orange + ginger or grapefruit + cinnamon…

To prepare a portion of the massage mixture, take 20 ml of base oil – and add 5-7 drops of essential oils (in total) to this.
An example of a recipe for an anti-cellulite mixture:
– 15ml peach or almond oil
– 5ml wheat germ oil
– 4 drops of orange essential oil
– 3 drops of ginger essential oil
Mix everything well – and use it for Anti – Cellulite massage. 

 All Kinds of Oils for Anti-cellulite Massage

The most pronounced anti-cellulite effect  Essentials Oil

The most pronounced anti cellulite  oils are: oil of grapefruit, geranium, lemon, rosemary, fennel, juniper.

Grapefruit oil removes excess fluid from the body, restores blood circulation and speeds up lymph flow.

Geranium oil has a similar effect, but additionally makes the skin soft and elastic.

Lemon oil has a fat burning effect. Using it during procedures accelerates blood circulation, smoothes the skin, making it smooth and elastic.

Rosemary oil helps to remove excess fluid from the body and stimulates fat metabolism, which is one of the factors of healthy skin.

Fennel oil removes waste and toxins from the skin.

Juniper oil removes toxins and toxins, and also breaks down uric acid accumulated in the tissues and purifies the blood.

In addition to the above, oils of orange, mandarin, pine, lavender, ginger, cinnamon, bergamot and others have a positive effect in the fight against cellulite. Combined with base oils, they complement each other’s action and, with regular use, give an amazing effect.

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How often to make an Anti -Cellulite Massage?

The optimal frequency of such a massage is 3-4 times a week (although it can be done every day, especially if you have a shock program to combat cellulite in a short time). The minimum frequency for obtaining tangible results is 2 times a week.

Fighting cellulite is a long and laborious process. To completely eliminate the problem, it is necessary to combine a whole range of procedures…

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