Practical Ways of Burning Belly Fat or 4 Burning belly fat Exercises

Practical Way of Burning Belly Fat or 4 Burning belly fat Exercises

Practical Ways of Burning Belly Fat or 4 Burning Exercises at home 

From all different ages all girls have been suffering from one huge problem. What is this? Burning Belly Fat of course. Everyone wants to get a flat belly and not all know about TOP 4 burning belly fat exercises!

Not many people know that this type of fat is referred to as visceral fat.

It is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions!

BurnMyFatFast goal is to show you the best and practical ways to burn belly fat fast, so you can finally flaunt a well toned belly.

Practical Ways of Burning Belly Fat

1.Often Eat fast soluble fiber (Avocado,flax seeds,Brussels Sprouts)

Practical Way of Burning Belly Fat or Burning belly fat Exercises

How does it work? Soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel that helps to slow down food as it passes through your digestive system!

 That’s why this type of fiber promotes weight loss by helping you feel full. What’s more, soluble fiber may help to burn belly fat.

2. Forget about alcohol

Practical Way of Burning Belly Fat or Burning belly fat Exercises

It’s seriously harmful if you drink alcohol too much.

Science researchers say that too much alcohol can also make you gain belly fat.

The connection between a fat belly and alcohol consumption can be broadly explained by the fact that when you drink, the liver burns alcohol instead of fat.

3.Reduce stress level

Practical Way of Burning Belly Fat or Burning belly fat Exercises

Stress increases the risk of metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic syndrome increases in the mass of visceral fat, a decrease in the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to insulin and hyperons, which disrupts carbohydrate, lipid, and purine metabolism, as well as arterial hypertension.

Thus, chronic stress not only affects appetite, due to which you gain extra kg, but also directly increases the amount of all body fat.

4.Good sleep

Practical Way of Burning Belly Fat or Burning belly fat Exercises

Many girls who want to lose excess weight have noticed that the less they sleep, the more time is left for the temptations to eat something forbidden or even eat anything at all.

Sleep in this case not only shortens the time of wakefulness, appetite and stay in a state of any stress, but also directly heals the stress itself, calming and normalizing the nervous system.

5.Drink Green Tea

Practical Way of Burning Belly Fat or Burning belly fat Exercises

Drinking green tea is a way to correct weight, which occurs due to the activation of metabolism in the body and getting rid of excess accumulation of toxins, heavy metal salts, various kinds of intestinal toxins.

Green Tea activates the excretion from the body and processing in the liver. 

Green tea has another great advantage for losing belly fat, it mildly suppresses appetite. If you want to have a snack, drink a cup of green tea (but without sugar and sweets), your appetite will disappear for a couple of hours.

 4 Burning Fat Belly Exercises at home…

 1.Mountain Climbers

Practical Way of Burning Belly Fat or Burning belly fat Exercises

Place your hands on a small brick so that you’re in an incline press up position.

Bring one knee in and then straighten it back out again. Then repeat the same exercise with another knee. Do this quickly and do it for 3 minutes.


Practical Way of Burning Belly Fat or Burning belly fat Exercises

You need to exhale and inhale deeply with your stomach. Then slowly exhale as much as possible so that the lungs are completely free of air.

Then slightly pull up the stomach, trying to “press” it to the spine and hips. You should stay in this position for 5-10 seconds. Exhale, relax, take a couple of calm inhalations and exhalations, and then repeat the exercise 5 times.


Practical Way of Burning Belly Fat or Burning belly fat Exercises

This exercise gives the excellent results not only for the belly fat, but also for the whole body. To make a side plank with a twist, you need to pose the body sideways with all support on the elbows, align and do 20 twists with the body down.

4.Raising the legs

Practical Way of Burning Belly Fat or Burning belly fat Exercises

Pay a special attention to the lower press, since this is where the first fat begin to accumulate.

You need to lie on your back, put your hands under the buttocks and raise your straightened legs up, then lower them, but without touching the floor surface. You need to repeat the exercise 20 times.

Now you know all ways of burning belly fat =) main goal is to help you achieve your fitness goals! Be with us!